BC Bike Race 2017 Cumberland and Powell River Photo Highlights

September 08, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

LJ_20170706-P7060063-PanoThe evening before the big day.The famous BOB (Bear On Bike) mascot overlooks the finish area on the evening before Stage 1 in Cumberland.

I was fortunate enough to be able to shoot the Cumberland and Powell River stages of the BC Bike Race for the first time this year.  To sum up the experience: WOW!  Eleven years in, the BC Bike Race is a well-oiled machine. The logistics involved in putting on a show involving over 600 racers and many hundreds of volunteers, not to mention three ferry rides and 300 km of racing, is absolutely outstanding!  Of that racing a significant portion is on sweet west coast singletrack...

LJ_20170707-B7074368Moto Patrol ready!The Moto Patrol roams the race course during the event, keeping an eye on racers and volunteers. LJ_20170707-P7070110LJ_20170707-P7070110The Cumberland Town Crier was on hand to inspire the racers at the start of their journey. LJ_20170707-P7070090Katerina NashSome serious star power shows up every year for the BC Bike Race. This year's solo womens' champion was Katerina Nash, a 5-time Olympian. LJ_20170707-B7074452And they're off!Racers surge through downtown Cumberland as the horns blow to signal the beginning of a 7-day adventure. LJ_20170707-B7074630Flowy Cumberland downhill.A racer charges down the Vanilla trail during the BC Bike Race. LJ_20170707-B7074680-2More sweet Vanilla flowThe Beaufort range in the background overlooks the action. LJ_20170707-B7075175Vanilla clearcutThe BC Bike Race course traverses logged forests around Cumberland. Cumberland is nestled in an active working forest, and the hard work of organizations like the United Riders of Cumberland has established ground-breaking land use agreements with the stakeholders. For more information, see http://unitedridersofcumberland.com/cumberland-trails-agreement-finalized/ LJ_20170708-B7087073Blue Collar flowBlue Collar never fails to put a smile on riders' faces. P7070077Sunset serenadeUpon arriving at the Powell River ferry terminal, racers were greeted by the dulcet tones of bagpipes. LJ_20170708-B7087593PacelineAs the race progresses, riders self-sort into groups riding at a similar speed. LJ_20170708-B7087673Over the boardwalkWoodwork is a prominent feature of many BC mountain bike trails. LJ_20170708-B7087779Getting rowdy!There's always some time to have a bit of fun on the trails, even during a race. LJ_20170708-P7080314-2Bike Patrol on patrol! LJ_20170708-B7087795Treats!Volunteers bearing trays of flat Coke were a welcome sight as racers neared the homestretch of the Powell River course.


The BC Bike Race is definitely a bucket-list type of event for any serious mountain biker.

For more information on the BC Bike race, check out their website:





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